Instructions for connecting Instagram with SO9

Vũ Khánh


⚡️ You're here if you want…

  • Use SO9 to automatically publish posts to pages Your Instagram.
  • Find out how to connect instagram to your SO9 account.

I. Switch your account to a business account & Connect with Fanpage

To có To be able to connect your Instagram to SO9 first, your account must be transferred from your "Cá nân" or "Nhà creation" to the "Business" account. This isà mandatory mà Instagram requires to have can connect your account to a licensed 3rd party such as SO9. To convert your account to a Business account. 

1. How to switch to a business account via Facebook

👉 Go to your Facebook and go to your Facebook account. Go to the Fanpage list page. you are in charge of lý (or you can access at: My Fanpage list you). Select Fanpage mà you want to connect to your Instagram account, or you have You can create a new Fanpage if you don't already have one.

Save ý: You must be a fanpage; Fanpage admin to có can connect to your Instagram Account.

👉 When you access your admin account. of Fanpage, select Settings in the main menu on the page

👉 Select Instagram in the upper left hand withà Click on Connect Account (Connect Account) at the top of the screen (as shown in the picture). below):

👉 Enter the login information for the Instagram account you want to connect to; Click Sign in. In case you dã Log in to your Instagram account in this browser, you will automatically be logged in first, now you just need to click Continue)

👉 In case your account is not a business account. You will see a popup stating that you must take steps to declare the information to be upgraded. You should follow the instructions given by the platform, ensuring that you have followed the instructions given by the platform. Fill in your contact information and Finally, click Honor

🔔 In case you don't see the popup as shown above, click nút Start at the top of the page. In case you also do not see the Start button, you should move to the 2nd method to get started. là Upgrade your Instagram account via your business account on the Instagram app following the steps below.

2. How to switch to a Business account via the Instagram app

👉 Open the Instagram app on your phone and Go to Settings

👉 Click on Accounts< /strong>

👉 Click on Switch to a professional account

👉 Follow the instructions provided, making sure you select the Business Account Type replace vì Account account for Nhaà Content creation. You will also have to make sure to select Facebook Fanpage (or create a new Fanpage) to link to your Instagram account. Save ý: You will see the option "Don't link Facebook now", however if you don't do the link you won't be able to connect Connect to SO9 to post.

In case you are familiar or in need of something. If you click the wrong option, don't link, don't worry, just link to your Facebook account as in section 1. 

👉 After performing the above steps, What is your Instagram account? transferred to Business Account Type.

II. Connect with SO9

Step 1: Go to Menu Connection > Select Introduction

Step 2: Select Instagram

Step 3: You will be taken to the posting permission screen for SO9. Please agree and click continue

Step 4: strong> Once completed, you will see your Instagram channel will be displayed in your channel list. Congratulations, you can now start posting ( Reels, Regular) is on my Instagram

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