Increase offers with the Auto Calendar feature

Vũ Khánh


I. How to optimize 1 content posted to many pages

Same content posted to many pages at the same time will make your content có Recommended rates are lower. Therefore, SO9's Auto Calendar feature is launched with benefits such as:

  • Increase suggestions: On each posting time frame job ;i is stabilized day by day Higher likelihood of recommendation
  • Increase recommendations: Also, the same content will be shared on multiple pages at different times to increase recommendations.
  • Special: Super time-saving - No need to select a calendar when posting. The system automatically coordinates for you.

II. Manual for automatic calendar feature 9 Calendar

Step 1: Go to Settings > Select Schedule automatically

Set automatic schedules on a series of Fanpages

Step 2: Here you canó You can choose a posting schedule for each page. The system will randomly distribute within the time frame you set (Save ý: You must fully set before clicking save)

Feature to set automatic timers on a series of Pages

Step 3: Save. After clicking save you will see the posting schedules for those pages. stored by the system. You có You can reset each page or reset in bulk

Set schedules automatically to a series of Fanpages, Groups

Step 4: Post: Select mode Automatically select calendar

Automatically schedule batches on Fanpage

Automatically place mass schedules on Fanpage

After selecting the channel, you just need to click post. All posts will be automatically divided by the SO9 system into the time frames you posted. installation -quá This scene has It may take 5-10 minutes, the time frames are randomly rotated by the system so that your content is posted to pages that are not equipped. hours.

Management; posting schedule: SO9 suggests you use the feature < strong>Posting schedule for có cannula lý easier to be posted by the publisher.

III. Rerun the entire Timed Calendar

In case you want to change the automatic posting schedule for posts, however before you dã post a lot of posts waiting to be posted. Don't worry SO9 dã provides you with the following features: You can reset the entire schedule for your timed posts.

Step 1: Create a page Automatic scheduling > Select Rerun entire timer

Post & Schedule mass posting to Fanpage

Step 2: A warning popup will appear to make sure you don't; I clicked wrongly. Please click Continue to confirm that you want to rerun the entire timer post

Post & Schedule mass posting to Fanpage

After this step, the SO9 system will automatically recalculate Your entire timer board and re-divided according to the new schedule. You should check again after the system finishes running in Calendar post friends!

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