How to use hashtag instagram reels to double interaction

Vũ Khánh


Hashtags are alwaysà an indispensable part of articles posted on xatilde; association, especially on Instagram. However, the way Reels is spread on Instagram is different from traditional posts but still needs to be published. Many people are skeptical about using hashtags in Reels. effective. In today's article, we will answer this question for you to know whether Instagram hashtags are valid. effective and not effective How to use Instagram reels hashtags to optimize your reach and reach. how similar your Instagram Reels are.

1. Instagram hashtags really có effective 

After conducting some small tests, reality shows that the instagram reel hashtag really works. Compared to other Reels that do not have hashtag, Reels có hashtags receive an average of 47% more likes, comments and more; shares, and reach is 43% higher than average.

2. More Instagram hashtags provide higher reach

Average reach increases with the number of hashtags used. Althoughù Reels có One to four hashtags Instagram Reels reach 7% more than Reels without. hashtag, but the audience was 27% larger when the video included 10 instagram hashtags. For Reels có From 10 to 30 hashtags, the average reach increased by a staggering 247% compared to Reels without any hashtags. hashtags. This dispels suspicions that Instagram gives posts permission; more than five instagram hashtags are spam andà limits the reach of Reels có many hashtags.

Instagram hashtags are not just element that distributes videos to the Reel tab or product page of other users can also help users who are looking for a specific topic a year ago. I found you. So, let's make the most of this opportunity.

Another argument for using the hashtag reel instagram isà people who use the sameó You can follow the hashtag, that's it; có meaningà Your reels will appear in the news feeds of many users, including those who don't yet follow you.

More Instagram hashtags give more reach

3. The amount of interaction also increases with the number of hashtags

A rõ But also when looking at the degree of similarity: Reels have Many Instagram hashtags achieve the highest interaction rates. Các Reels có 1-4 Instagram hashtags achieve an average engagement 20% higher than Reels without it. hashtags. For Reels có From 5 to 10 hashtag instagram reels, the level of interaction is 60% higher than average and for Reels có more than ten hashtag instagram reels, the increase in engagement is also; 160% compared to No Reels hashtags. It is true that an impressive number!

4. Generic instagram hashtags work better

When asking whether

  • các general hashtags andà short, eã có more than 1 million posts on Instagram,
  • specific hashtags and length or “có brand” with over 1 million posts
  • or an equal combination of common hashtags and specific

will yield the best results, the answer isà các Reels có Generic hashtags perform better than the other two options in terms of both compatibility and effectiveness. approach. This has seems contradictory, because Nowadays people are often advised to use specific Instagram hashtags in their business and field. only target content to that market.

But in terms of reach andà the degree of similarity, the reality is Prove that Instagram hashtags work more effectively. Specific compared to Reels using generic hashtags, Reels có Mixed hashtags and mixed hashtags Reels có specific hashtag có íless than 56 andà 41% similar and 44 andà 62% reach.

Generic instagram hashtags perform better

Instagram hashtags are also generic. also; many posts compete for that hashtag, this will have Trends have a positive impact on impressions and impressions. reach of reels. However, the reality is that points out that generic instagram hashtags increase reach. Lý The solution for this isà Instagram users like to search for short, broad hashtags like #puertorico, #summer and #weekend more than là specific, long-term hashtags like #puertoricoweekends. Thanks to có large search volume eã bù Make up for the competition of short and fast instagram hashtag reels. resulting in the average reach of a post. Generic hashtags even can be larger than the average reach of a single reels. các specific hashtags.

When making a direct comparison between mixed hashtags and Specifically, specific hashtags showed 35% higher post engagement, while mixed hashtags showed 46% higher reach. If your main focus is; increase overall reach, thiì Specific hashtags are not optimal choice. However, if you want to target yellow customers; Target people who are truly interested in your target market. You must use a specific instagram reels hashtag.

5. Choose Instagram reels hashtags wisely

One thing to keep in mind: the more hashtags you use, the higher your chances of your audience finding you. However, Reels' reach doesn't just depend on its hashtags. mà It also depends on the Instagram Reels algorithm. Andà The algorithm specifically focuses on the user's level of interaction. see Reels. This level of similarity is even higher; The Reels algorithm will distribute this video to as many people as possible.

This isó meaningà If you use a lot of generic hashtags, then Your video doesn't meet the expectations of people who are searching for that general term. The result will be a low level of compatibility, from leading to the algorithm not spreading Reels naturally and effectively. The number displayed also decreased significantly. Vì So, remember, use many popular hashtags and use many popular hashtags. short, while ensuring that the hashtags are Phuù Match your Reels content to highlight your content. có can meet everyone's expectations.

If you want inspiration for the best hashtags for your own Reels, search for top instagram hashtags most effective and efficient choose the ones that are relevant to you. 

So what did you write? answer the question hashtag instagram Reels có Positively impact reach and reach level of compatibility or not? By choosing short and simple Reels Phuù Ideally, Instagram users who are actively searching for Reels like yours through hashtag searches will find you more easily. Andà Thanks to their level of similarity, the Reels algorithm will predict; Your reels có great potential and distribution; to more users. If you are looking for a tool to support xã The meeting is both effective and time-saving, SO9 isà Your top choice. Try it today to see the difference.

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